Martin Došek

República Checa

Orange stars


Ocean eyes


Born 8. 4. 1967 in Pardubice, Czech Republic

I have to admit that in my youth I was not interested in art at all. It took me until I was about 20 years old to start drawing and painting. And then it was just a small step to my first collage. Soon I discovered that I enjoy collage most of all. Today, if I still draw and paint, it’s always just part of a collage. Collage is the freest and most interesting way for me to express myself. I don’t like to talk about my feelings and thoughts, but I like to hide them with playfulness in my collages. It’s a beautiful game and I still like to play. A collage is like a poem. You don’t have to understand it and it can still affect you deeply. I like to exhibit my collages and I’m happy when someone buys one because they want to look at it forever. The most beautiful appreciation of my collages was the words “I want to live in your collages.”

Orange stars




A thousand kisses


Who goes to steal apples

Swan constellation

I’ve always liked to look at pictures in magazines and not even read the text much. I looked at the picture and made up my own story to go with it. Or I was just switching TV channels and being entertained by a piece of the story out of context. I admired the torn posters on the streets. I watched people and wondered where they were going, what they were thinking. And when I started making collages, I actually just took all off that (magazine pictures, memories, stories and feelings) and cut and glued it together.

When a collage is being made, I have an idea of what it should look like, but sometimes it kind of starts to live a life of its own and I get different images under my scissors than I was looking for and I realize that they’re actually a much better choice than the ones I was searching for. The randomness that goes into the creation is just another fun element to my playfulness. And then also the freedom to glue anything together, to not hold back my imagination… just to play. All the time.

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