Maria Urvang



Dark mind pure thoughts

Find my cracks and flood me

I try to keep the feeling inside

In the shade, behind the curtain, under the blanket

My name is Maria Urvang. I am 40 years old and come from Denmark. I am an architect and work as an urban designer. Making collages is my creative free space where I can unfold my creativity without having to live up to others' expectations and ideas of a satisfying result. In my work with collages, I can experiment and desite the rules as I please.

Let´s meet

No title

Sometimes I go to my silent place inside

Only the forest knows my deepest secrets

Smoldering sensations

Ocean dreams

Solid as a rock

Spring Dance


I always work with analog collages as I enjoy having the material between my hands. I almost never have a predetermined idea when I start working on a new collage, but let myself be inspired by the process and the materials in front of me. I enjoy immersing myself in colors, textures, patterns and composition. Collage is for me a form of meditation and my path to finding inner peace in a busy life.


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