Jasper Glen



Collecting Vegetables

Finding Home

From Lizards, Now Look at Us

The Light-Dependent Reactions


Artist Statement: I made my first collage in September 2023 and was immediately hooked. My early collages were composed mostly of magazine images. My process has evolved to include acrylic paint, oil pastels, fabrics, and so on. I am learning how to best integrate these various materials.



Bigger Guns, More Ammo!

Rock and a Hard Place


Leading the Way

Precious Thing

The Housing Market

Virtual Reality


Bio: Jasper Glen is a poet and collage artist from Vancouver, Canada. His work appears or is forthcoming in The Brooklyn Review, A Gathering of the Tribes, Amsterdam Quarterly, BlazeVOX, Posit, Rogue Agent, Anti-Heroin Chic, MAYDAY, Ranger Magazine, Word For/ Word, and elsewhere. Poems have been nominated for Best New Poets and the Pushcart Prize.


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