Chris Klein





Game hunting in Africa

Bauhaus dancers

The Rolling Stones


I do not have a specific style. I create absurd or impossible compositions. I am strongly influenced by surrealist artists, mostly René Magritte, a master of illusion. This is the reason why several of my collages pay tribute to him. Magritte used to declare: “I experienced the pleasure of freedom in painting the most unconventional pictures.” This could be applied to my digital collages.

Before starting a digital collage, I do not go through the work of others. I start with an idea or a message and develop it until I am satisfied. My collage selection for this exhibition is based on the level of positive feedback from my Instagram account (digitalcollage 049). It is amazing that positive feedback from the followers does not always correspond to my appreciation.

I advise the viewer to spend time watching each collage. There are tiny details which are not always apparent at first sight. Some collages are meaningless; some are humorous, and some contain a message. They are primarily dreams or reality distortion.


Green tiles-v3


What were you smoking

Men’s club

Tribute to Magritte

Museum visit

Deconstruction 02

Atacama desert


Over time, my interest in art has evolved, and I have explored various movements such as the Bauhaus school, the Dada movement, surrealism, and deconstructivism. I find early collages particularly intriguing due to their flexibility and ability to open up the world of imagination. Collages are a form of art that allows for anything to become possible, free from the constraints of academic rules. They can represent dreams or nightmares; like optical illusions, they portray impossible situations and worlds. Collages can serve a purely aesthetic purpose or convey a message – whether that message is meaningless, satirical, humorous, or simply absurd.
As a photographer with diverse interests ranging from architecture, landscapes, and portraits to wildlife, I discovered my ability to create photo collages through manipulation. Compared to painting, photography offers greater artistic flexibility and freedom. Advanced software and AI provide endless creative possibilities, all easily adjustable.
A basic digital collage can be easily transformed or improved at will. This flexibility of the creative tool brought me into the free world of digital collage.


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